You may now call us at UAN number 03 311 11 0703 (Mondays to Saturdays 9:00AM to 11:00PM)

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Sales

  • How long does it take to configure an account?
    Account setup takes only fifteen minutes but normally we wait for 24 to 48 hours to avoid fraudulent orders.
  • Do I have to purchase domain name separately with hosting account?
    SeverSea offers .com/.net/.org domain TLD's free of cost with all shared hosting plans. However, if you choose any other domain TLD, it will be charged accordingly. 
  • Are there any hidden charges?
    There are no hidden or extra charges.
  • Which payment methods are available?
    We accept all valid credit/debit cards and PayPal.
  • Do you use same hardware for all hosting plans?
    No, we create Silver and Gold hosting plans on less populated servers and the hardware is comparatively better.
  • How can I transfer my existing domain name and hosting to ServerSea?
    Follow these steps:
       1. Download your existing website and make a backup
       2. Buy one of our hosting plans
       3. Upload your data to the address we give you
       4. After you upload your website to ServerSea we'll send a Domain Transfer Request to your Domain Administrator.
       5. Domain will be transferred to ServerSea within 7 business working days.
       6. Make sure that you provide us with EPP code and the domain status must be unlocked.
    *N.B: Domain name transfer charges will apply.
    While taking the above steps, contact our staff just in case you face any issue.
  • How do I renew my account?
    Take the following steps to renew domain name only:
       1. Log into your ServerSea account
            - If you have forgotten the password, click "Forgot Password"? to retrieve. 
       2. Next to Settings tab, click on Renew Account
       3. Choose your Domain from dropdown 
       4. Choose Domain Terms (Billing Cycle) 
       5. Choose your Payment Method
       6. Click "Renew" button.
    Take the following steps to renew domain and hosting:
       1. Log into your ServerSea account
            - If you have forgotten the password, click "Forgot Password"? to retrieve. 
       2. Next to Settings tab, click on Renew Account
       3. Choose your Domain from dropdown 
       4. Choose your Package 
       5. Choose Billing Cyle 
       6. Choose your Payment Method
       7. Click "Renew" button.
  • OS Migration
    Take complete backup of your website before migration from Linux to Windows, Windows to Linux and Windows (Non SQL) to Windows (SQL). Old account will be terminated from server including full website data and new account will be created on (chosen) Server. OS migration will cost $8 (One Time Charge). Domain may experience downtime due to DNS global propagation during the process.
  • Hosting Account Upgrade
    Hosting Account can be upgraded from existing plan to next at any time during the tenure by paying the difference amount. Join us on Live Chat for Custom payment link of difference amount. 
  • What is FTP?
    File Transfer Protocol, FTP, lets you connect to a remote computer, such as a web site hosting server and move your website files to folders you create on the remote computer. This is called \'uploading\' your Web site.
  • What FTP software should I use and where do I get it?
    Many FTP software programs (called clients) available online; CuteFTP Pro and FileZilla are very popular.
    If you use Windows XP, you can create a network connection to your Web site. You might also be able upload your file using the software such Dreamweaver or FrontPage that created your Web site.
  • Why isn't my Web site displaying after I uploaded my files?
    To fix the problem:
    -Verify that you uploaded your files to /httpdocs. -Make sure that you named the home page of your Web site using one of the many names we support.
    index.htmlindex.phpdefault.asp default.aspx index.asp 
    -Ensure that your DNS is pointed correctly. -Finally, refresh by pressing CTRL + F5 for Internet Explorer and CTRL + R for Firefox
    If your site still does not display
    There could be reasons which only you can correct. 
    These may be:
    -If your domain name is registered with another service provider, confirm that the name servers (DNS)  you used are same as given.
    -If your images are not displaying, make sure that the directory where they are located and the image page specified in your code match exactly.
    -Linux accounts are case sensitive. For example, if the name of your image is MyImage.jpg and the path in your code is myimage.jpg, then the server will not be able to locate your image.
    More useful information for Website designers:When you develop the Web your code should adjust for the environment change that occurs when you upload site content. Web page URLs, image paths, and database names should all be environment-sensitive and you should use relative URLs when referencing Web pages. 
    The reason is, relative URLs identify a Web page in relation to, or in the context of, the current page. Because they do not reference the domain name, relative URLs do not require modification when changing environments.
  • Connecting to an Access Database Using File DSN and ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using File DSN and ASP/ADO to connect to an Access Database.<%Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstr, sDSNDirDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server, dsn_name
    dsn_name = 'your_dsn_name'fieldname = 'your_fieldname'tablename = 'your_tablename'
    sDSNDir = Server.MapPath('_dsn')
    connectstr = 'filedsn=' & sDSNDir & '/' & dsn_name
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstrqry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    if not oRS.EOF thenwhile not oRS.EOFresponse.write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & ' 'oRS.movenextwendoRS.closeend if
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • What component can I use with asp?
    You may construct form handlers using the CDOSYS functionality to relay mail from the hosting environment.
  • What is ASP/ASP.NET?
    ASP stands for Active Server Pages. ASP and ASP.NET are programs that run on Windows. ASP files have the file extension '.asp' and ASP.NET files have the file extension '.aspx.' ASP and ASP.NET allow you to:
    -Dynamically edit, change, or add content on your Web page.-Respond to user queries or data submitted from HTML forms.-Access any data or databases and return the results to a browser.-Customize a Web page to make it more useful for individual users.
    For more information about ASP and ASP.NET, you can visit these developer centers at
  • Connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server Database Using ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using ASP/ADO to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server Database.<%
    'Sample Database Connection Syntax for ASP and SQL Server.
    Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstrDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server
    db_server = 'localhost'db_name = 'your_dbname'db_username = 'your_dbusername'db_userpassword = 'your_dbpassword'fieldname = 'your_field'tablename = 'your_table'
    connectstr = 'Driver={SQL Server};SERVER=' & db_server & ';DATABASE=' & db_name & ';UID=' & db_username & ';PWD=' & db_userpassword
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstr
    qry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    Do until oRs.EOF   Response.Write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname)   oRS.MoveNextLoopoRs.Close
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • Where Can I Get More Help Using ASP/ASP.NET?
    ASP and ASP.NET are programming languages developed by Microsoft. is the best place to go to find out more. You can visit these developer centers at
    Active Server Pages Developer Center 
    ASP.NET Developer Center 
    There is a lot of information on the Internet about ASP, in addition to the documentation at Here are some more sites that will help you get started using ASP and ASP.NET:
    ASP Free 
    The ASP Tutorial at W3 Scools 
    The ASP.NET Tutorial at W3 Schools 
  • Is Parent Path enabled on ASP hosting?
    No, it is not by default enabled. Please follow these steps to enable parent path on your domain:
    Login to Plesk control panel >> Web Directories >> Prefrence >> Enable Parent Paths > Ok.
  • Connecting to a MySQL database using ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using ASP/ADO to connect to a MySQL Database.<%Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstrDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server
    db_server = 'localhost'db_name = 'your_dbusername'db_username = 'your_dbusername'db_userpassword = 'your_dbpassword'fieldname = 'your_field'tablename = 'your_table'
    connectstr = 'Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=' & db_server & ';DATABASE=' & db_name & ';UID=' & db_username & ';PWD=' & db_userpassword
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstr
    qry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    if not oRS.EOF thenwhile not oRS.EOFresponse.write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & '<br>'oRS.movenextwendoRS.closeend if
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • What Do I Do When I Receive an Updateable Query Error?
    The most common reason this error is generated is the database or directory containing the database you are trying to access does not have the correct permissions.
    You must allow read/write permissions to the database.
    Login to Plesk control panel >> File Manager >> Httpdocs >> Click on LOCK icon opposite your MS Access DB and modify permiisons for each user.
  • What is a 500 internal server error?
    A 500 internal server error means that your browser is showing a friendly error message. This is shown instead of the actual error message from the server. You can disable friendly errors in your internet browser. This will show you the real error from the server.
    To disable this in Internet Explorer 6.0:
    Go to Tools, Internet Options >> Click the Advanced tab >> Scroll the window down a little, and uncheck 'Show Friendly Error Messages'. 
  • What is a HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found?
    This means that the page you are attempting to view does not exist.
    Check your file structure to make sure that the file you are attempting to access is in your account. It may have accidentally been placed in a different folder or there may be a mispelling in the file or folder name.
  • Do you support Image Magick's for PHP scripts?
    No, currently we do not support Image Magick's in any plan.
  • What is the path to Perl on Linux platform?
    In most CGI scripts the standard path line is therefore #!/usr/bin/perl
  • What is the path to sendmail on Linux platform?
    This may differ from server to server, try one of following:
  • How do I set permissions for my CGI scripts?
    To set permissions for your CGI scripts, you can change them using your FTP program. Typically, permissions are changed to let the web server read, write, or execute CGI scripts.
    To set permissions using most FTP programs, select the file or folder you wish to change and right-click 'change file attributes.' Alternatively you can use Plesk file manager.
    Most scripts require permissions to be set to chmod 755.
  • Where do I place my CGI/Perl scripts?
    You can run and create your own CGI/Perl scripts and upload it to any location on your web account. Some customers prefer to upload their CGI/PERL scripts to their own cgi-bin directory. The 'cgi-bin' directory has already been created for you and is beside the 'httpdocs' directory. All CGI/Perl scripts should be uploaded in ASCII mode.
    To have the domain run the scripts simply access them by browsing to
  • How do I create MySQL database and its user?
    Login to Plesk control panel >> Click on Databases >> Add new database >> Enter DB name and select database type 'MySQL' >> Ok > Add new user >> Enter DB user and password >> Ok
    Now click on DB-WeAdmin to access PHPMyAdmin area for database management.
  • What hostname, user and password do I use to connect to my MySQL database?
    To connect to your MySQL database using a PHP script, you will need the following information:
    Database (The database name would have been assigned at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Username (The username to your database would have been configured at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Password (The password to your database would have been configured at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Hostname (The hostname for connecting to your MySQL database is 'localhost') 
  • FTP

  • How long does it take to configure an account?
    Account setup takes only fifteen minutes but normally we wait for 24 to 48 hours to avoid fraudulent orders.
  • Do I have to purchase domain name separately with hosting account?
    SeverSea offers .com/.net/.org domain TLD's free of cost with all shared hosting plans. However, if you choose any other domain TLD, it will be charged accordingly. 
  • Are there any hidden charges?
    There are no hidden or extra charges.
  • Which payment methods are available?
    We accept all valid credit/debit cards and PayPal.
  • Do you use same hardware for all hosting plans?
    No, we create Silver and Gold hosting plans on less populated servers and the hardware is comparatively better.
  • How can I transfer my existing domain name and hosting to ServerSea?
    Follow these steps:
       1. Download your existing website and make a backup
       2. Buy one of our hosting plans
       3. Upload your data to the address we give you
       4. After you upload your website to ServerSea we'll send a Domain Transfer Request to your Domain Administrator.
       5. Domain will be transferred to ServerSea within 7 business working days.
       6. Make sure that you provide us with EPP code and the domain status must be unlocked.
    *N.B: Domain name transfer charges will apply.
    While taking the above steps, contact our staff just in case you face any issue.
  • How do I renew my account?
    Take the following steps to renew domain name only:
       1. Log into your ServerSea account
            - If you have forgotten the password, click "Forgot Password"? to retrieve. 
       2. Next to Settings tab, click on Renew Account
       3. Choose your Domain from dropdown 
       4. Choose Domain Terms (Billing Cycle) 
       5. Choose your Payment Method
       6. Click "Renew" button.
    Take the following steps to renew domain and hosting:
       1. Log into your ServerSea account
            - If you have forgotten the password, click "Forgot Password"? to retrieve. 
       2. Next to Settings tab, click on Renew Account
       3. Choose your Domain from dropdown 
       4. Choose your Package 
       5. Choose Billing Cyle 
       6. Choose your Payment Method
       7. Click "Renew" button.
  • OS Migration
    Take complete backup of your website before migration from Linux to Windows, Windows to Linux and Windows (Non SQL) to Windows (SQL). Old account will be terminated from server including full website data and new account will be created on (chosen) Server. OS migration will cost $8 (One Time Charge). Domain may experience downtime due to DNS global propagation during the process.
  • Hosting Account Upgrade
    Hosting Account can be upgraded from existing plan to next at any time during the tenure by paying the difference amount. Join us on Live Chat for Custom payment link of difference amount. 
  • What is FTP?
    File Transfer Protocol, FTP, lets you connect to a remote computer, such as a web site hosting server and move your website files to folders you create on the remote computer. This is called \'uploading\' your Web site.
  • What FTP software should I use and where do I get it?
    Many FTP software programs (called clients) available online; CuteFTP Pro and FileZilla are very popular.
    If you use Windows XP, you can create a network connection to your Web site. You might also be able upload your file using the software such Dreamweaver or FrontPage that created your Web site.
  • Why isn't my Web site displaying after I uploaded my files?
    To fix the problem:
    -Verify that you uploaded your files to /httpdocs. -Make sure that you named the home page of your Web site using one of the many names we support.
    index.htmlindex.phpdefault.asp default.aspx index.asp 
    -Ensure that your DNS is pointed correctly. -Finally, refresh by pressing CTRL + F5 for Internet Explorer and CTRL + R for Firefox
    If your site still does not display
    There could be reasons which only you can correct. 
    These may be:
    -If your domain name is registered with another service provider, confirm that the name servers (DNS)  you used are same as given.
    -If your images are not displaying, make sure that the directory where they are located and the image page specified in your code match exactly.
    -Linux accounts are case sensitive. For example, if the name of your image is MyImage.jpg and the path in your code is myimage.jpg, then the server will not be able to locate your image.
    More useful information for Website designers:When you develop the Web your code should adjust for the environment change that occurs when you upload site content. Web page URLs, image paths, and database names should all be environment-sensitive and you should use relative URLs when referencing Web pages. 
    The reason is, relative URLs identify a Web page in relation to, or in the context of, the current page. Because they do not reference the domain name, relative URLs do not require modification when changing environments.
  • Connecting to an Access Database Using File DSN and ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using File DSN and ASP/ADO to connect to an Access Database.<%Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstr, sDSNDirDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server, dsn_name
    dsn_name = 'your_dsn_name'fieldname = 'your_fieldname'tablename = 'your_tablename'
    sDSNDir = Server.MapPath('_dsn')
    connectstr = 'filedsn=' & sDSNDir & '/' & dsn_name
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstrqry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    if not oRS.EOF thenwhile not oRS.EOFresponse.write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & ' 'oRS.movenextwendoRS.closeend if
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • What component can I use with asp?
    You may construct form handlers using the CDOSYS functionality to relay mail from the hosting environment.
  • What is ASP/ASP.NET?
    ASP stands for Active Server Pages. ASP and ASP.NET are programs that run on Windows. ASP files have the file extension '.asp' and ASP.NET files have the file extension '.aspx.' ASP and ASP.NET allow you to:
    -Dynamically edit, change, or add content on your Web page.-Respond to user queries or data submitted from HTML forms.-Access any data or databases and return the results to a browser.-Customize a Web page to make it more useful for individual users.
    For more information about ASP and ASP.NET, you can visit these developer centers at
  • Connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server Database Using ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using ASP/ADO to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server Database.<%
    'Sample Database Connection Syntax for ASP and SQL Server.
    Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstrDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server
    db_server = 'localhost'db_name = 'your_dbname'db_username = 'your_dbusername'db_userpassword = 'your_dbpassword'fieldname = 'your_field'tablename = 'your_table'
    connectstr = 'Driver={SQL Server};SERVER=' & db_server & ';DATABASE=' & db_name & ';UID=' & db_username & ';PWD=' & db_userpassword
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstr
    qry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    Do until oRs.EOF   Response.Write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname)   oRS.MoveNextLoopoRs.Close
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • Where Can I Get More Help Using ASP/ASP.NET?
    ASP and ASP.NET are programming languages developed by Microsoft. is the best place to go to find out more. You can visit these developer centers at
    Active Server Pages Developer Center 
    ASP.NET Developer Center 
    There is a lot of information on the Internet about ASP, in addition to the documentation at Here are some more sites that will help you get started using ASP and ASP.NET:
    ASP Free 
    The ASP Tutorial at W3 Scools 
    The ASP.NET Tutorial at W3 Schools 
  • Is Parent Path enabled on ASP hosting?
    No, it is not by default enabled. Please follow these steps to enable parent path on your domain:
    Login to Plesk control panel >> Web Directories >> Prefrence >> Enable Parent Paths > Ok.
  • Connecting to a MySQL database using ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using ASP/ADO to connect to a MySQL Database.<%Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstrDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server
    db_server = 'localhost'db_name = 'your_dbusername'db_username = 'your_dbusername'db_userpassword = 'your_dbpassword'fieldname = 'your_field'tablename = 'your_table'
    connectstr = 'Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=' & db_server & ';DATABASE=' & db_name & ';UID=' & db_username & ';PWD=' & db_userpassword
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstr
    qry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    if not oRS.EOF thenwhile not oRS.EOFresponse.write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & '<br>'oRS.movenextwendoRS.closeend if
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • What Do I Do When I Receive an Updateable Query Error?
    The most common reason this error is generated is the database or directory containing the database you are trying to access does not have the correct permissions.
    You must allow read/write permissions to the database.
    Login to Plesk control panel >> File Manager >> Httpdocs >> Click on LOCK icon opposite your MS Access DB and modify permiisons for each user.
  • What is a 500 internal server error?
    A 500 internal server error means that your browser is showing a friendly error message. This is shown instead of the actual error message from the server. You can disable friendly errors in your internet browser. This will show you the real error from the server.
    To disable this in Internet Explorer 6.0:
    Go to Tools, Internet Options >> Click the Advanced tab >> Scroll the window down a little, and uncheck 'Show Friendly Error Messages'. 
  • What is a HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found?
    This means that the page you are attempting to view does not exist.
    Check your file structure to make sure that the file you are attempting to access is in your account. It may have accidentally been placed in a different folder or there may be a mispelling in the file or folder name.
  • Do you support Image Magick's for PHP scripts?
    No, currently we do not support Image Magick's in any plan.
  • What is the path to Perl on Linux platform?
    In most CGI scripts the standard path line is therefore #!/usr/bin/perl
  • What is the path to sendmail on Linux platform?
    This may differ from server to server, try one of following:
  • How do I set permissions for my CGI scripts?
    To set permissions for your CGI scripts, you can change them using your FTP program. Typically, permissions are changed to let the web server read, write, or execute CGI scripts.
    To set permissions using most FTP programs, select the file or folder you wish to change and right-click 'change file attributes.' Alternatively you can use Plesk file manager.
    Most scripts require permissions to be set to chmod 755.
  • Where do I place my CGI/Perl scripts?
    You can run and create your own CGI/Perl scripts and upload it to any location on your web account. Some customers prefer to upload their CGI/PERL scripts to their own cgi-bin directory. The 'cgi-bin' directory has already been created for you and is beside the 'httpdocs' directory. All CGI/Perl scripts should be uploaded in ASCII mode.
    To have the domain run the scripts simply access them by browsing to
  • How do I create MySQL database and its user?
    Login to Plesk control panel >> Click on Databases >> Add new database >> Enter DB name and select database type 'MySQL' >> Ok > Add new user >> Enter DB user and password >> Ok
    Now click on DB-WeAdmin to access PHPMyAdmin area for database management.
  • What hostname, user and password do I use to connect to my MySQL database?
    To connect to your MySQL database using a PHP script, you will need the following information:
    Database (The database name would have been assigned at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Username (The username to your database would have been configured at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Password (The password to your database would have been configured at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Hostname (The hostname for connecting to your MySQL database is 'localhost') 

  • How long does it take to configure an account?
    Account setup takes only fifteen minutes but normally we wait for 24 to 48 hours to avoid fraudulent orders.
  • Do I have to purchase domain name separately with hosting account?
    SeverSea offers .com/.net/.org domain TLD's free of cost with all shared hosting plans. However, if you choose any other domain TLD, it will be charged accordingly. 
  • Are there any hidden charges?
    There are no hidden or extra charges.
  • Which payment methods are available?
    We accept all valid credit/debit cards and PayPal.
  • Do you use same hardware for all hosting plans?
    No, we create Silver and Gold hosting plans on less populated servers and the hardware is comparatively better.
  • How can I transfer my existing domain name and hosting to ServerSea?
    Follow these steps:
       1. Download your existing website and make a backup
       2. Buy one of our hosting plans
       3. Upload your data to the address we give you
       4. After you upload your website to ServerSea we'll send a Domain Transfer Request to your Domain Administrator.
       5. Domain will be transferred to ServerSea within 7 business working days.
       6. Make sure that you provide us with EPP code and the domain status must be unlocked.
    *N.B: Domain name transfer charges will apply.
    While taking the above steps, contact our staff just in case you face any issue.
  • How do I renew my account?
    Take the following steps to renew domain name only:
       1. Log into your ServerSea account
            - If you have forgotten the password, click "Forgot Password"? to retrieve. 
       2. Next to Settings tab, click on Renew Account
       3. Choose your Domain from dropdown 
       4. Choose Domain Terms (Billing Cycle) 
       5. Choose your Payment Method
       6. Click "Renew" button.
    Take the following steps to renew domain and hosting:
       1. Log into your ServerSea account
            - If you have forgotten the password, click "Forgot Password"? to retrieve. 
       2. Next to Settings tab, click on Renew Account
       3. Choose your Domain from dropdown 
       4. Choose your Package 
       5. Choose Billing Cyle 
       6. Choose your Payment Method
       7. Click "Renew" button.
  • OS Migration
    Take complete backup of your website before migration from Linux to Windows, Windows to Linux and Windows (Non SQL) to Windows (SQL). Old account will be terminated from server including full website data and new account will be created on (chosen) Server. OS migration will cost $8 (One Time Charge). Domain may experience downtime due to DNS global propagation during the process.
  • Hosting Account Upgrade
    Hosting Account can be upgraded from existing plan to next at any time during the tenure by paying the difference amount. Join us on Live Chat for Custom payment link of difference amount. 
  • What is FTP?
    File Transfer Protocol, FTP, lets you connect to a remote computer, such as a web site hosting server and move your website files to folders you create on the remote computer. This is called \'uploading\' your Web site.
  • What FTP software should I use and where do I get it?
    Many FTP software programs (called clients) available online; CuteFTP Pro and FileZilla are very popular.
    If you use Windows XP, you can create a network connection to your Web site. You might also be able upload your file using the software such Dreamweaver or FrontPage that created your Web site.
  • Why isn't my Web site displaying after I uploaded my files?
    To fix the problem:
    -Verify that you uploaded your files to /httpdocs. -Make sure that you named the home page of your Web site using one of the many names we support.
    index.htmlindex.phpdefault.asp default.aspx index.asp 
    -Ensure that your DNS is pointed correctly. -Finally, refresh by pressing CTRL + F5 for Internet Explorer and CTRL + R for Firefox
    If your site still does not display
    There could be reasons which only you can correct. 
    These may be:
    -If your domain name is registered with another service provider, confirm that the name servers (DNS)  you used are same as given.
    -If your images are not displaying, make sure that the directory where they are located and the image page specified in your code match exactly.
    -Linux accounts are case sensitive. For example, if the name of your image is MyImage.jpg and the path in your code is myimage.jpg, then the server will not be able to locate your image.
    More useful information for Website designers:When you develop the Web your code should adjust for the environment change that occurs when you upload site content. Web page URLs, image paths, and database names should all be environment-sensitive and you should use relative URLs when referencing Web pages. 
    The reason is, relative URLs identify a Web page in relation to, or in the context of, the current page. Because they do not reference the domain name, relative URLs do not require modification when changing environments.
  • Connecting to an Access Database Using File DSN and ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using File DSN and ASP/ADO to connect to an Access Database.<%Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstr, sDSNDirDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server, dsn_name
    dsn_name = 'your_dsn_name'fieldname = 'your_fieldname'tablename = 'your_tablename'
    sDSNDir = Server.MapPath('_dsn')
    connectstr = 'filedsn=' & sDSNDir & '/' & dsn_name
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstrqry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    if not oRS.EOF thenwhile not oRS.EOFresponse.write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & ' 'oRS.movenextwendoRS.closeend if
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • What component can I use with asp?
    You may construct form handlers using the CDOSYS functionality to relay mail from the hosting environment.
  • What is ASP/ASP.NET?
    ASP stands for Active Server Pages. ASP and ASP.NET are programs that run on Windows. ASP files have the file extension '.asp' and ASP.NET files have the file extension '.aspx.' ASP and ASP.NET allow you to:
    -Dynamically edit, change, or add content on your Web page.-Respond to user queries or data submitted from HTML forms.-Access any data or databases and return the results to a browser.-Customize a Web page to make it more useful for individual users.
    For more information about ASP and ASP.NET, you can visit these developer centers at
  • Connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server Database Using ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using ASP/ADO to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server Database.<%
    'Sample Database Connection Syntax for ASP and SQL Server.
    Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstrDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server
    db_server = 'localhost'db_name = 'your_dbname'db_username = 'your_dbusername'db_userpassword = 'your_dbpassword'fieldname = 'your_field'tablename = 'your_table'
    connectstr = 'Driver={SQL Server};SERVER=' & db_server & ';DATABASE=' & db_name & ';UID=' & db_username & ';PWD=' & db_userpassword
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstr
    qry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    Do until oRs.EOF   Response.Write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname)   oRS.MoveNextLoopoRs.Close
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • Where Can I Get More Help Using ASP/ASP.NET?
    ASP and ASP.NET are programming languages developed by Microsoft. is the best place to go to find out more. You can visit these developer centers at
    Active Server Pages Developer Center 
    ASP.NET Developer Center 
    There is a lot of information on the Internet about ASP, in addition to the documentation at Here are some more sites that will help you get started using ASP and ASP.NET:
    ASP Free 
    The ASP Tutorial at W3 Scools 
    The ASP.NET Tutorial at W3 Schools 
  • Is Parent Path enabled on ASP hosting?
    No, it is not by default enabled. Please follow these steps to enable parent path on your domain:
    Login to Plesk control panel >> Web Directories >> Prefrence >> Enable Parent Paths > Ok.
  • Connecting to a MySQL database using ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using ASP/ADO to connect to a MySQL Database.<%Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstrDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server
    db_server = 'localhost'db_name = 'your_dbusername'db_username = 'your_dbusername'db_userpassword = 'your_dbpassword'fieldname = 'your_field'tablename = 'your_table'
    connectstr = 'Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=' & db_server & ';DATABASE=' & db_name & ';UID=' & db_username & ';PWD=' & db_userpassword
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstr
    qry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    if not oRS.EOF thenwhile not oRS.EOFresponse.write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & '<br>'oRS.movenextwendoRS.closeend if
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • What Do I Do When I Receive an Updateable Query Error?
    The most common reason this error is generated is the database or directory containing the database you are trying to access does not have the correct permissions.
    You must allow read/write permissions to the database.
    Login to Plesk control panel >> File Manager >> Httpdocs >> Click on LOCK icon opposite your MS Access DB and modify permiisons for each user.
  • What is a 500 internal server error?
    A 500 internal server error means that your browser is showing a friendly error message. This is shown instead of the actual error message from the server. You can disable friendly errors in your internet browser. This will show you the real error from the server.
    To disable this in Internet Explorer 6.0:
    Go to Tools, Internet Options >> Click the Advanced tab >> Scroll the window down a little, and uncheck 'Show Friendly Error Messages'. 
  • What is a HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found?
    This means that the page you are attempting to view does not exist.
    Check your file structure to make sure that the file you are attempting to access is in your account. It may have accidentally been placed in a different folder or there may be a mispelling in the file or folder name.
  • Do you support Image Magick's for PHP scripts?
    No, currently we do not support Image Magick's in any plan.
  • What is the path to Perl on Linux platform?
    In most CGI scripts the standard path line is therefore #!/usr/bin/perl
  • What is the path to sendmail on Linux platform?
    This may differ from server to server, try one of following:
  • How do I set permissions for my CGI scripts?
    To set permissions for your CGI scripts, you can change them using your FTP program. Typically, permissions are changed to let the web server read, write, or execute CGI scripts.
    To set permissions using most FTP programs, select the file or folder you wish to change and right-click 'change file attributes.' Alternatively you can use Plesk file manager.
    Most scripts require permissions to be set to chmod 755.
  • Where do I place my CGI/Perl scripts?
    You can run and create your own CGI/Perl scripts and upload it to any location on your web account. Some customers prefer to upload their CGI/PERL scripts to their own cgi-bin directory. The 'cgi-bin' directory has already been created for you and is beside the 'httpdocs' directory. All CGI/Perl scripts should be uploaded in ASCII mode.
    To have the domain run the scripts simply access them by browsing to
  • How do I create MySQL database and its user?
    Login to Plesk control panel >> Click on Databases >> Add new database >> Enter DB name and select database type 'MySQL' >> Ok > Add new user >> Enter DB user and password >> Ok
    Now click on DB-WeAdmin to access PHPMyAdmin area for database management.
  • What hostname, user and password do I use to connect to my MySQL database?
    To connect to your MySQL database using a PHP script, you will need the following information:
    Database (The database name would have been assigned at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Username (The username to your database would have been configured at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Password (The password to your database would have been configured at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Hostname (The hostname for connecting to your MySQL database is 'localhost') 
  • General Support Questions

  • How long does it take to configure an account?
    Account setup takes only fifteen minutes but normally we wait for 24 to 48 hours to avoid fraudulent orders.
  • Do I have to purchase domain name separately with hosting account?
    SeverSea offers .com/.net/.org domain TLD's free of cost with all shared hosting plans. However, if you choose any other domain TLD, it will be charged accordingly. 
  • Are there any hidden charges?
    There are no hidden or extra charges.
  • Which payment methods are available?
    We accept all valid credit/debit cards and PayPal.
  • Do you use same hardware for all hosting plans?
    No, we create Silver and Gold hosting plans on less populated servers and the hardware is comparatively better.
  • How can I transfer my existing domain name and hosting to ServerSea?
    Follow these steps:
       1. Download your existing website and make a backup
       2. Buy one of our hosting plans
       3. Upload your data to the address we give you
       4. After you upload your website to ServerSea we'll send a Domain Transfer Request to your Domain Administrator.
       5. Domain will be transferred to ServerSea within 7 business working days.
       6. Make sure that you provide us with EPP code and the domain status must be unlocked.
    *N.B: Domain name transfer charges will apply.
    While taking the above steps, contact our staff just in case you face any issue.
  • How do I renew my account?
    Take the following steps to renew domain name only:
       1. Log into your ServerSea account
            - If you have forgotten the password, click "Forgot Password"? to retrieve. 
       2. Next to Settings tab, click on Renew Account
       3. Choose your Domain from dropdown 
       4. Choose Domain Terms (Billing Cycle) 
       5. Choose your Payment Method
       6. Click "Renew" button.
    Take the following steps to renew domain and hosting:
       1. Log into your ServerSea account
            - If you have forgotten the password, click "Forgot Password"? to retrieve. 
       2. Next to Settings tab, click on Renew Account
       3. Choose your Domain from dropdown 
       4. Choose your Package 
       5. Choose Billing Cyle 
       6. Choose your Payment Method
       7. Click "Renew" button.
  • OS Migration
    Take complete backup of your website before migration from Linux to Windows, Windows to Linux and Windows (Non SQL) to Windows (SQL). Old account will be terminated from server including full website data and new account will be created on (chosen) Server. OS migration will cost $8 (One Time Charge). Domain may experience downtime due to DNS global propagation during the process.
  • Hosting Account Upgrade
    Hosting Account can be upgraded from existing plan to next at any time during the tenure by paying the difference amount. Join us on Live Chat for Custom payment link of difference amount. 
  • What is FTP?
    File Transfer Protocol, FTP, lets you connect to a remote computer, such as a web site hosting server and move your website files to folders you create on the remote computer. This is called \'uploading\' your Web site.
  • What FTP software should I use and where do I get it?
    Many FTP software programs (called clients) available online; CuteFTP Pro and FileZilla are very popular.
    If you use Windows XP, you can create a network connection to your Web site. You might also be able upload your file using the software such Dreamweaver or FrontPage that created your Web site.
  • Why isn't my Web site displaying after I uploaded my files?
    To fix the problem:
    -Verify that you uploaded your files to /httpdocs. -Make sure that you named the home page of your Web site using one of the many names we support.
    index.htmlindex.phpdefault.asp default.aspx index.asp 
    -Ensure that your DNS is pointed correctly. -Finally, refresh by pressing CTRL + F5 for Internet Explorer and CTRL + R for Firefox
    If your site still does not display
    There could be reasons which only you can correct. 
    These may be:
    -If your domain name is registered with another service provider, confirm that the name servers (DNS)  you used are same as given.
    -If your images are not displaying, make sure that the directory where they are located and the image page specified in your code match exactly.
    -Linux accounts are case sensitive. For example, if the name of your image is MyImage.jpg and the path in your code is myimage.jpg, then the server will not be able to locate your image.
    More useful information for Website designers:When you develop the Web your code should adjust for the environment change that occurs when you upload site content. Web page URLs, image paths, and database names should all be environment-sensitive and you should use relative URLs when referencing Web pages. 
    The reason is, relative URLs identify a Web page in relation to, or in the context of, the current page. Because they do not reference the domain name, relative URLs do not require modification when changing environments.
  • Connecting to an Access Database Using File DSN and ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using File DSN and ASP/ADO to connect to an Access Database.<%Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstr, sDSNDirDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server, dsn_name
    dsn_name = 'your_dsn_name'fieldname = 'your_fieldname'tablename = 'your_tablename'
    sDSNDir = Server.MapPath('_dsn')
    connectstr = 'filedsn=' & sDSNDir & '/' & dsn_name
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstrqry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    if not oRS.EOF thenwhile not oRS.EOFresponse.write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & ' 'oRS.movenextwendoRS.closeend if
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • What component can I use with asp?
    You may construct form handlers using the CDOSYS functionality to relay mail from the hosting environment.
  • What is ASP/ASP.NET?
    ASP stands for Active Server Pages. ASP and ASP.NET are programs that run on Windows. ASP files have the file extension '.asp' and ASP.NET files have the file extension '.aspx.' ASP and ASP.NET allow you to:
    -Dynamically edit, change, or add content on your Web page.-Respond to user queries or data submitted from HTML forms.-Access any data or databases and return the results to a browser.-Customize a Web page to make it more useful for individual users.
    For more information about ASP and ASP.NET, you can visit these developer centers at
  • Connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server Database Using ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using ASP/ADO to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server Database.<%
    'Sample Database Connection Syntax for ASP and SQL Server.
    Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstrDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server
    db_server = 'localhost'db_name = 'your_dbname'db_username = 'your_dbusername'db_userpassword = 'your_dbpassword'fieldname = 'your_field'tablename = 'your_table'
    connectstr = 'Driver={SQL Server};SERVER=' & db_server & ';DATABASE=' & db_name & ';UID=' & db_username & ';PWD=' & db_userpassword
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstr
    qry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    Do until oRs.EOF   Response.Write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname)   oRS.MoveNextLoopoRs.Close
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • Where Can I Get More Help Using ASP/ASP.NET?
    ASP and ASP.NET are programming languages developed by Microsoft. is the best place to go to find out more. You can visit these developer centers at
    Active Server Pages Developer Center 
    ASP.NET Developer Center 
    There is a lot of information on the Internet about ASP, in addition to the documentation at Here are some more sites that will help you get started using ASP and ASP.NET:
    ASP Free 
    The ASP Tutorial at W3 Scools 
    The ASP.NET Tutorial at W3 Schools 
  • Is Parent Path enabled on ASP hosting?
    No, it is not by default enabled. Please follow these steps to enable parent path on your domain:
    Login to Plesk control panel >> Web Directories >> Prefrence >> Enable Parent Paths > Ok.
  • Connecting to a MySQL database using ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using ASP/ADO to connect to a MySQL Database.<%Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstrDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server
    db_server = 'localhost'db_name = 'your_dbusername'db_username = 'your_dbusername'db_userpassword = 'your_dbpassword'fieldname = 'your_field'tablename = 'your_table'
    connectstr = 'Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=' & db_server & ';DATABASE=' & db_name & ';UID=' & db_username & ';PWD=' & db_userpassword
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstr
    qry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    if not oRS.EOF thenwhile not oRS.EOFresponse.write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & '<br>'oRS.movenextwendoRS.closeend if
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • What Do I Do When I Receive an Updateable Query Error?
    The most common reason this error is generated is the database or directory containing the database you are trying to access does not have the correct permissions.
    You must allow read/write permissions to the database.
    Login to Plesk control panel >> File Manager >> Httpdocs >> Click on LOCK icon opposite your MS Access DB and modify permiisons for each user.
  • What is a 500 internal server error?
    A 500 internal server error means that your browser is showing a friendly error message. This is shown instead of the actual error message from the server. You can disable friendly errors in your internet browser. This will show you the real error from the server.
    To disable this in Internet Explorer 6.0:
    Go to Tools, Internet Options >> Click the Advanced tab >> Scroll the window down a little, and uncheck 'Show Friendly Error Messages'. 
  • What is a HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found?
    This means that the page you are attempting to view does not exist.
    Check your file structure to make sure that the file you are attempting to access is in your account. It may have accidentally been placed in a different folder or there may be a mispelling in the file or folder name.
  • Do you support Image Magick's for PHP scripts?
    No, currently we do not support Image Magick's in any plan.
  • What is the path to Perl on Linux platform?
    In most CGI scripts the standard path line is therefore #!/usr/bin/perl
  • What is the path to sendmail on Linux platform?
    This may differ from server to server, try one of following:
  • How do I set permissions for my CGI scripts?
    To set permissions for your CGI scripts, you can change them using your FTP program. Typically, permissions are changed to let the web server read, write, or execute CGI scripts.
    To set permissions using most FTP programs, select the file or folder you wish to change and right-click 'change file attributes.' Alternatively you can use Plesk file manager.
    Most scripts require permissions to be set to chmod 755.
  • Where do I place my CGI/Perl scripts?
    You can run and create your own CGI/Perl scripts and upload it to any location on your web account. Some customers prefer to upload their CGI/PERL scripts to their own cgi-bin directory. The 'cgi-bin' directory has already been created for you and is beside the 'httpdocs' directory. All CGI/Perl scripts should be uploaded in ASCII mode.
    To have the domain run the scripts simply access them by browsing to
  • How do I create MySQL database and its user?
    Login to Plesk control panel >> Click on Databases >> Add new database >> Enter DB name and select database type 'MySQL' >> Ok > Add new user >> Enter DB user and password >> Ok
    Now click on DB-WeAdmin to access PHPMyAdmin area for database management.
  • What hostname, user and password do I use to connect to my MySQL database?
    To connect to your MySQL database using a PHP script, you will need the following information:
    Database (The database name would have been assigned at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Username (The username to your database would have been configured at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Password (The password to your database would have been configured at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Hostname (The hostname for connecting to your MySQL database is 'localhost') 
  • Perl/CGI

  • How long does it take to configure an account?
    Account setup takes only fifteen minutes but normally we wait for 24 to 48 hours to avoid fraudulent orders.
  • Do I have to purchase domain name separately with hosting account?
    SeverSea offers .com/.net/.org domain TLD's free of cost with all shared hosting plans. However, if you choose any other domain TLD, it will be charged accordingly. 
  • Are there any hidden charges?
    There are no hidden or extra charges.
  • Which payment methods are available?
    We accept all valid credit/debit cards and PayPal.
  • Do you use same hardware for all hosting plans?
    No, we create Silver and Gold hosting plans on less populated servers and the hardware is comparatively better.
  • How can I transfer my existing domain name and hosting to ServerSea?
    Follow these steps:
       1. Download your existing website and make a backup
       2. Buy one of our hosting plans
       3. Upload your data to the address we give you
       4. After you upload your website to ServerSea we'll send a Domain Transfer Request to your Domain Administrator.
       5. Domain will be transferred to ServerSea within 7 business working days.
       6. Make sure that you provide us with EPP code and the domain status must be unlocked.
    *N.B: Domain name transfer charges will apply.
    While taking the above steps, contact our staff just in case you face any issue.
  • How do I renew my account?
    Take the following steps to renew domain name only:
       1. Log into your ServerSea account
            - If you have forgotten the password, click "Forgot Password"? to retrieve. 
       2. Next to Settings tab, click on Renew Account
       3. Choose your Domain from dropdown 
       4. Choose Domain Terms (Billing Cycle) 
       5. Choose your Payment Method
       6. Click "Renew" button.
    Take the following steps to renew domain and hosting:
       1. Log into your ServerSea account
            - If you have forgotten the password, click "Forgot Password"? to retrieve. 
       2. Next to Settings tab, click on Renew Account
       3. Choose your Domain from dropdown 
       4. Choose your Package 
       5. Choose Billing Cyle 
       6. Choose your Payment Method
       7. Click "Renew" button.
  • OS Migration
    Take complete backup of your website before migration from Linux to Windows, Windows to Linux and Windows (Non SQL) to Windows (SQL). Old account will be terminated from server including full website data and new account will be created on (chosen) Server. OS migration will cost $8 (One Time Charge). Domain may experience downtime due to DNS global propagation during the process.
  • Hosting Account Upgrade
    Hosting Account can be upgraded from existing plan to next at any time during the tenure by paying the difference amount. Join us on Live Chat for Custom payment link of difference amount. 
  • What is FTP?
    File Transfer Protocol, FTP, lets you connect to a remote computer, such as a web site hosting server and move your website files to folders you create on the remote computer. This is called \'uploading\' your Web site.
  • What FTP software should I use and where do I get it?
    Many FTP software programs (called clients) available online; CuteFTP Pro and FileZilla are very popular.
    If you use Windows XP, you can create a network connection to your Web site. You might also be able upload your file using the software such Dreamweaver or FrontPage that created your Web site.
  • Why isn't my Web site displaying after I uploaded my files?
    To fix the problem:
    -Verify that you uploaded your files to /httpdocs. -Make sure that you named the home page of your Web site using one of the many names we support.
    index.htmlindex.phpdefault.asp default.aspx index.asp 
    -Ensure that your DNS is pointed correctly. -Finally, refresh by pressing CTRL + F5 for Internet Explorer and CTRL + R for Firefox
    If your site still does not display
    There could be reasons which only you can correct. 
    These may be:
    -If your domain name is registered with another service provider, confirm that the name servers (DNS)  you used are same as given.
    -If your images are not displaying, make sure that the directory where they are located and the image page specified in your code match exactly.
    -Linux accounts are case sensitive. For example, if the name of your image is MyImage.jpg and the path in your code is myimage.jpg, then the server will not be able to locate your image.
    More useful information for Website designers:When you develop the Web your code should adjust for the environment change that occurs when you upload site content. Web page URLs, image paths, and database names should all be environment-sensitive and you should use relative URLs when referencing Web pages. 
    The reason is, relative URLs identify a Web page in relation to, or in the context of, the current page. Because they do not reference the domain name, relative URLs do not require modification when changing environments.
  • Connecting to an Access Database Using File DSN and ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using File DSN and ASP/ADO to connect to an Access Database.<%Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstr, sDSNDirDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server, dsn_name
    dsn_name = 'your_dsn_name'fieldname = 'your_fieldname'tablename = 'your_tablename'
    sDSNDir = Server.MapPath('_dsn')
    connectstr = 'filedsn=' & sDSNDir & '/' & dsn_name
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstrqry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    if not oRS.EOF thenwhile not oRS.EOFresponse.write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & ' 'oRS.movenextwendoRS.closeend if
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • What component can I use with asp?
    You may construct form handlers using the CDOSYS functionality to relay mail from the hosting environment.
  • What is ASP/ASP.NET?
    ASP stands for Active Server Pages. ASP and ASP.NET are programs that run on Windows. ASP files have the file extension '.asp' and ASP.NET files have the file extension '.aspx.' ASP and ASP.NET allow you to:
    -Dynamically edit, change, or add content on your Web page.-Respond to user queries or data submitted from HTML forms.-Access any data or databases and return the results to a browser.-Customize a Web page to make it more useful for individual users.
    For more information about ASP and ASP.NET, you can visit these developer centers at
  • Connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server Database Using ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using ASP/ADO to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server Database.<%
    'Sample Database Connection Syntax for ASP and SQL Server.
    Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstrDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server
    db_server = 'localhost'db_name = 'your_dbname'db_username = 'your_dbusername'db_userpassword = 'your_dbpassword'fieldname = 'your_field'tablename = 'your_table'
    connectstr = 'Driver={SQL Server};SERVER=' & db_server & ';DATABASE=' & db_name & ';UID=' & db_username & ';PWD=' & db_userpassword
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstr
    qry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    Do until oRs.EOF   Response.Write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname)   oRS.MoveNextLoopoRs.Close
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • Where Can I Get More Help Using ASP/ASP.NET?
    ASP and ASP.NET are programming languages developed by Microsoft. is the best place to go to find out more. You can visit these developer centers at
    Active Server Pages Developer Center 
    ASP.NET Developer Center 
    There is a lot of information on the Internet about ASP, in addition to the documentation at Here are some more sites that will help you get started using ASP and ASP.NET:
    ASP Free 
    The ASP Tutorial at W3 Scools 
    The ASP.NET Tutorial at W3 Schools 
  • Is Parent Path enabled on ASP hosting?
    No, it is not by default enabled. Please follow these steps to enable parent path on your domain:
    Login to Plesk control panel >> Web Directories >> Prefrence >> Enable Parent Paths > Ok.
  • Connecting to a MySQL database using ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using ASP/ADO to connect to a MySQL Database.<%Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstrDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server
    db_server = 'localhost'db_name = 'your_dbusername'db_username = 'your_dbusername'db_userpassword = 'your_dbpassword'fieldname = 'your_field'tablename = 'your_table'
    connectstr = 'Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=' & db_server & ';DATABASE=' & db_name & ';UID=' & db_username & ';PWD=' & db_userpassword
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstr
    qry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    if not oRS.EOF thenwhile not oRS.EOFresponse.write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & '<br>'oRS.movenextwendoRS.closeend if
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • What Do I Do When I Receive an Updateable Query Error?
    The most common reason this error is generated is the database or directory containing the database you are trying to access does not have the correct permissions.
    You must allow read/write permissions to the database.
    Login to Plesk control panel >> File Manager >> Httpdocs >> Click on LOCK icon opposite your MS Access DB and modify permiisons for each user.
  • What is a 500 internal server error?
    A 500 internal server error means that your browser is showing a friendly error message. This is shown instead of the actual error message from the server. You can disable friendly errors in your internet browser. This will show you the real error from the server.
    To disable this in Internet Explorer 6.0:
    Go to Tools, Internet Options >> Click the Advanced tab >> Scroll the window down a little, and uncheck 'Show Friendly Error Messages'. 
  • What is a HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found?
    This means that the page you are attempting to view does not exist.
    Check your file structure to make sure that the file you are attempting to access is in your account. It may have accidentally been placed in a different folder or there may be a mispelling in the file or folder name.
  • Do you support Image Magick's for PHP scripts?
    No, currently we do not support Image Magick's in any plan.
  • What is the path to Perl on Linux platform?
    In most CGI scripts the standard path line is therefore #!/usr/bin/perl
  • What is the path to sendmail on Linux platform?
    This may differ from server to server, try one of following:
  • How do I set permissions for my CGI scripts?
    To set permissions for your CGI scripts, you can change them using your FTP program. Typically, permissions are changed to let the web server read, write, or execute CGI scripts.
    To set permissions using most FTP programs, select the file or folder you wish to change and right-click 'change file attributes.' Alternatively you can use Plesk file manager.
    Most scripts require permissions to be set to chmod 755.
  • Where do I place my CGI/Perl scripts?
    You can run and create your own CGI/Perl scripts and upload it to any location on your web account. Some customers prefer to upload their CGI/PERL scripts to their own cgi-bin directory. The 'cgi-bin' directory has already been created for you and is beside the 'httpdocs' directory. All CGI/Perl scripts should be uploaded in ASCII mode.
    To have the domain run the scripts simply access them by browsing to
  • How do I create MySQL database and its user?
    Login to Plesk control panel >> Click on Databases >> Add new database >> Enter DB name and select database type 'MySQL' >> Ok > Add new user >> Enter DB user and password >> Ok
    Now click on DB-WeAdmin to access PHPMyAdmin area for database management.
  • What hostname, user and password do I use to connect to my MySQL database?
    To connect to your MySQL database using a PHP script, you will need the following information:
    Database (The database name would have been assigned at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Username (The username to your database would have been configured at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Password (The password to your database would have been configured at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Hostname (The hostname for connecting to your MySQL database is 'localhost') 
  • Databases

  • How long does it take to configure an account?
    Account setup takes only fifteen minutes but normally we wait for 24 to 48 hours to avoid fraudulent orders.
  • Do I have to purchase domain name separately with hosting account?
    SeverSea offers .com/.net/.org domain TLD's free of cost with all shared hosting plans. However, if you choose any other domain TLD, it will be charged accordingly. 
  • Are there any hidden charges?
    There are no hidden or extra charges.
  • Which payment methods are available?
    We accept all valid credit/debit cards and PayPal.
  • Do you use same hardware for all hosting plans?
    No, we create Silver and Gold hosting plans on less populated servers and the hardware is comparatively better.
  • How can I transfer my existing domain name and hosting to ServerSea?
    Follow these steps:
       1. Download your existing website and make a backup
       2. Buy one of our hosting plans
       3. Upload your data to the address we give you
       4. After you upload your website to ServerSea we'll send a Domain Transfer Request to your Domain Administrator.
       5. Domain will be transferred to ServerSea within 7 business working days.
       6. Make sure that you provide us with EPP code and the domain status must be unlocked.
    *N.B: Domain name transfer charges will apply.
    While taking the above steps, contact our staff just in case you face any issue.
  • How do I renew my account?
    Take the following steps to renew domain name only:
       1. Log into your ServerSea account
            - If you have forgotten the password, click "Forgot Password"? to retrieve. 
       2. Next to Settings tab, click on Renew Account
       3. Choose your Domain from dropdown 
       4. Choose Domain Terms (Billing Cycle) 
       5. Choose your Payment Method
       6. Click "Renew" button.
    Take the following steps to renew domain and hosting:
       1. Log into your ServerSea account
            - If you have forgotten the password, click "Forgot Password"? to retrieve. 
       2. Next to Settings tab, click on Renew Account
       3. Choose your Domain from dropdown 
       4. Choose your Package 
       5. Choose Billing Cyle 
       6. Choose your Payment Method
       7. Click "Renew" button.
  • OS Migration
    Take complete backup of your website before migration from Linux to Windows, Windows to Linux and Windows (Non SQL) to Windows (SQL). Old account will be terminated from server including full website data and new account will be created on (chosen) Server. OS migration will cost $8 (One Time Charge). Domain may experience downtime due to DNS global propagation during the process.
  • Hosting Account Upgrade
    Hosting Account can be upgraded from existing plan to next at any time during the tenure by paying the difference amount. Join us on Live Chat for Custom payment link of difference amount. 
  • What is FTP?
    File Transfer Protocol, FTP, lets you connect to a remote computer, such as a web site hosting server and move your website files to folders you create on the remote computer. This is called \'uploading\' your Web site.
  • What FTP software should I use and where do I get it?
    Many FTP software programs (called clients) available online; CuteFTP Pro and FileZilla are very popular.
    If you use Windows XP, you can create a network connection to your Web site. You might also be able upload your file using the software such Dreamweaver or FrontPage that created your Web site.
  • Why isn't my Web site displaying after I uploaded my files?
    To fix the problem:
    -Verify that you uploaded your files to /httpdocs. -Make sure that you named the home page of your Web site using one of the many names we support.
    index.htmlindex.phpdefault.asp default.aspx index.asp 
    -Ensure that your DNS is pointed correctly. -Finally, refresh by pressing CTRL + F5 for Internet Explorer and CTRL + R for Firefox
    If your site still does not display
    There could be reasons which only you can correct. 
    These may be:
    -If your domain name is registered with another service provider, confirm that the name servers (DNS)  you used are same as given.
    -If your images are not displaying, make sure that the directory where they are located and the image page specified in your code match exactly.
    -Linux accounts are case sensitive. For example, if the name of your image is MyImage.jpg and the path in your code is myimage.jpg, then the server will not be able to locate your image.
    More useful information for Website designers:When you develop the Web your code should adjust for the environment change that occurs when you upload site content. Web page URLs, image paths, and database names should all be environment-sensitive and you should use relative URLs when referencing Web pages. 
    The reason is, relative URLs identify a Web page in relation to, or in the context of, the current page. Because they do not reference the domain name, relative URLs do not require modification when changing environments.
  • Connecting to an Access Database Using File DSN and ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using File DSN and ASP/ADO to connect to an Access Database.<%Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstr, sDSNDirDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server, dsn_name
    dsn_name = 'your_dsn_name'fieldname = 'your_fieldname'tablename = 'your_tablename'
    sDSNDir = Server.MapPath('_dsn')
    connectstr = 'filedsn=' & sDSNDir & '/' & dsn_name
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstrqry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    if not oRS.EOF thenwhile not oRS.EOFresponse.write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & ' 'oRS.movenextwendoRS.closeend if
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • What component can I use with asp?
    You may construct form handlers using the CDOSYS functionality to relay mail from the hosting environment.
  • What is ASP/ASP.NET?
    ASP stands for Active Server Pages. ASP and ASP.NET are programs that run on Windows. ASP files have the file extension '.asp' and ASP.NET files have the file extension '.aspx.' ASP and ASP.NET allow you to:
    -Dynamically edit, change, or add content on your Web page.-Respond to user queries or data submitted from HTML forms.-Access any data or databases and return the results to a browser.-Customize a Web page to make it more useful for individual users.
    For more information about ASP and ASP.NET, you can visit these developer centers at
  • Connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server Database Using ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using ASP/ADO to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server Database.<%
    'Sample Database Connection Syntax for ASP and SQL Server.
    Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstrDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server
    db_server = 'localhost'db_name = 'your_dbname'db_username = 'your_dbusername'db_userpassword = 'your_dbpassword'fieldname = 'your_field'tablename = 'your_table'
    connectstr = 'Driver={SQL Server};SERVER=' & db_server & ';DATABASE=' & db_name & ';UID=' & db_username & ';PWD=' & db_userpassword
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstr
    qry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    Do until oRs.EOF   Response.Write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname)   oRS.MoveNextLoopoRs.Close
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • Where Can I Get More Help Using ASP/ASP.NET?
    ASP and ASP.NET are programming languages developed by Microsoft. is the best place to go to find out more. You can visit these developer centers at
    Active Server Pages Developer Center 
    ASP.NET Developer Center 
    There is a lot of information on the Internet about ASP, in addition to the documentation at Here are some more sites that will help you get started using ASP and ASP.NET:
    ASP Free 
    The ASP Tutorial at W3 Scools 
    The ASP.NET Tutorial at W3 Schools 
  • Is Parent Path enabled on ASP hosting?
    No, it is not by default enabled. Please follow these steps to enable parent path on your domain:
    Login to Plesk control panel >> Web Directories >> Prefrence >> Enable Parent Paths > Ok.
  • Connecting to a MySQL database using ASP/ADO.
    This example describes using ASP/ADO to connect to a MySQL Database.<%Dim oConn, oRsDim qry, connectstrDim db_name, db_username, db_userpasswordDim db_server
    db_server = 'localhost'db_name = 'your_dbusername'db_username = 'your_dbusername'db_userpassword = 'your_dbpassword'fieldname = 'your_field'tablename = 'your_table'
    connectstr = 'Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=' & db_server & ';DATABASE=' & db_name & ';UID=' & db_username & ';PWD=' & db_userpassword
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection')oConn.Open connectstr
    qry = 'SELECT * FROM ' & tablename
    Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
    if not oRS.EOF thenwhile not oRS.EOFresponse.write ucase(fieldname) & ': ' & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & '<br>'oRS.movenextwendoRS.closeend if
    Set oRs = nothingSet oConn = nothing
  • What Do I Do When I Receive an Updateable Query Error?
    The most common reason this error is generated is the database or directory containing the database you are trying to access does not have the correct permissions.
    You must allow read/write permissions to the database.
    Login to Plesk control panel >> File Manager >> Httpdocs >> Click on LOCK icon opposite your MS Access DB and modify permiisons for each user.
  • What is a 500 internal server error?
    A 500 internal server error means that your browser is showing a friendly error message. This is shown instead of the actual error message from the server. You can disable friendly errors in your internet browser. This will show you the real error from the server.
    To disable this in Internet Explorer 6.0:
    Go to Tools, Internet Options >> Click the Advanced tab >> Scroll the window down a little, and uncheck 'Show Friendly Error Messages'. 
  • What is a HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found?
    This means that the page you are attempting to view does not exist.
    Check your file structure to make sure that the file you are attempting to access is in your account. It may have accidentally been placed in a different folder or there may be a mispelling in the file or folder name.
  • Do you support Image Magick's for PHP scripts?
    No, currently we do not support Image Magick's in any plan.
  • What is the path to Perl on Linux platform?
    In most CGI scripts the standard path line is therefore #!/usr/bin/perl
  • What is the path to sendmail on Linux platform?
    This may differ from server to server, try one of following:
  • How do I set permissions for my CGI scripts?
    To set permissions for your CGI scripts, you can change them using your FTP program. Typically, permissions are changed to let the web server read, write, or execute CGI scripts.
    To set permissions using most FTP programs, select the file or folder you wish to change and right-click 'change file attributes.' Alternatively you can use Plesk file manager.
    Most scripts require permissions to be set to chmod 755.
  • Where do I place my CGI/Perl scripts?
    You can run and create your own CGI/Perl scripts and upload it to any location on your web account. Some customers prefer to upload their CGI/PERL scripts to their own cgi-bin directory. The 'cgi-bin' directory has already been created for you and is beside the 'httpdocs' directory. All CGI/Perl scripts should be uploaded in ASCII mode.
    To have the domain run the scripts simply access them by browsing to
  • How do I create MySQL database and its user?
    Login to Plesk control panel >> Click on Databases >> Add new database >> Enter DB name and select database type 'MySQL' >> Ok > Add new user >> Enter DB user and password >> Ok
    Now click on DB-WeAdmin to access PHPMyAdmin area for database management.
  • What hostname, user and password do I use to connect to my MySQL database?
    To connect to your MySQL database using a PHP script, you will need the following information:
    Database (The database name would have been assigned at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Username (The username to your database would have been configured at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Password (The password to your database would have been configured at the time you created the database in Plesk Control Panel)Hostname (The hostname for connecting to your MySQL database is 'localhost') 
*All the prices are worked out in the conformity with the basic factor of 1 US dollar equivalent to Pak Rupees 285.00. Please note that any variation in the open market of US dollar would automatically re-adjust our charges it higher or lower side.