You may now call us at UAN number 03 311 11 0703 (Mondays to Saturdays 9:00AM to 11:00PM)

Payment Methods

NTN# 7546752-0

After the payment, please be sure to confirm us using Deposit Confirmation Form.

Account Title: Server Sea Hosting
Account Number: 02010102766538
IBAN: PK21MEZN0002010102766538
60-Main Boulevard Gulberg Branch, Lahore

Account Title: Server Sea Hosting
Account Number: 0927043691011497
IBAN: PK39MUCB0927043691011497
Main Market Branch Gulberg, Lahore

Account Title: Server Sea Hosting
Account number: 1307241393398
IBAN: PK83UNIL0109000241393398
8-K Main Boulevard Gulberg, Lahore

UBLOmni to UBL Bank Account Account Title: Server Sea Hosting
Account number: 1307241393398
IBAN: PK83UNIL0109000241393398
8-K Main Boulevard Gulberg, Lahore

MobiCash to UBL Bank Account Account Title: Server Sea Hosting
Account number: 1307241393398
IBAN: PK83UNIL0109000241393398
8-K Main Boulevard Gulberg, Lahore

EasyPaisa to UBL Bank Account
Account Title: Server Sea Hosting
Account number: 1307241393398
IBAN: PK83UNIL0109000241393398
8-K Main Boulevard Gulberg, Lahore

Pay online payment with Credit/Debit card or PayPal  

Server Sea Hosting
Office S-1, Second Floor, Grace Centre Canal Park, Gulberg II
Nearest Place: Forces Academy
Tel: +92 42 35757703

*All the prices are worked out in the conformity with the basic factor of 1 US dollar equivalent to Pak Rupees 285.00. Please note that any variation in the open market of US dollar would automatically re-adjust our charges it higher or lower side.